Ashwangandha A Mainstay Herb In Ayurveda For Pain Management

By Helen Thomas

I was busy, I had both of the ayurveda physicians Narendra and Aruna Pendse visiting my home and clinic for two weeks. I have been preparing my clinic and teaching my patients the value of seeing us together for a month before that. My great visitors are finally here and my practice is full of people looking forward to an ayurveda examination including the pulse diagnosis with myself and Dr. Pendse. Dr. Pendse and I see every patient together and Dr. Pendse teaches me the subtleties of ayurved herb science and examination every year for the last five years. And then,out of the blue I get a neck pain so severe I cannot move. I have never had this before. The pain blinds me.

We have so many patients waiting. I feel crazy now. Dr. Pendse takes my pulse and has me take large amounts of ashwanghanda and every two hours he gives me large amounts of ashwanghanda.

I am a Chiropractor and I have many methods I have learned over the years to correct people severe pain.

This was not a method I knew about.

You could not have paid a teacher to teach this lesson. Pain is the teacher and that teaching is making me pay blood, sweat and tears to learn this lesson about ayurveda.


All day that day I took large amounts of ashwanghanda and little by little I began to have less and less pain. Within eight hours I was feeling so much better. I had a great night sleep and was much better the next day.

I was shocked by the whole experience. Since that day a few yeas ago I had the opportunity to relieve severe pain in many patients with a variety of musculoskeletal disorders and other pain disorders using ashwangandha.

the amazing properties of ashwaghanda have had volumes written about it.

It is used in disorders that are related to muscle pain and , enriching the blood plasma and increasing the creamy substance of semen.

It is ,obviously an herb for men. However, it is an adatogen. It does what the word says which is helps the body adapt. therefore it is for both woman and men but has a different effect on either.

Of course, one must know a lot about ayurveda to know this at the moment and thankfully for me Dr. Pendse did.

Ashwanghanda addresses many men needs such as scrotum problems, feeling of pain and penis, discharge of semen mixed with blood, afraid of opposite sex, impotence, dryness of vagina, emotionally cold and weak sexual drive. Ashwaghanda by itself will not always help these disorders but it definitely would help to be a part of any regimen.

There is certainly a complete approach to addressing your pain.

This article is to share with you a personal experience and introduce you to a way that you may not know about. Before that day, I did not understand how to use ashwanghanda that way. I knew the way it said in my manual.This wasnt there in English,anyway.

It was not in any of the books that I had poured over. It is an herb every person needs to know about and could benefit from.

Ashwaghanda comes in may forms. Ashwanghanda Leyham which is ashwanghanda milk paste. Ashwanghanda powder.Ashwanghanda Tonic. Ashwanghanda Pills. Depending on the problem or depending on the body type Ayurveda gives a choice as to how the herbs can be taken according to what vehicle that is needed.

If you consider the physiology of the semen you would see the connection to the nerve transmission. THe nerve tissue is soft , moist and delicate and electricity runs through the nerve tract.

The sexual anatomy has same kinds of soft, moist and delicate tissue. Ashwanghanda feeds that type of tissue so it effects many different aspects of the body because the nervous system of pain system and the nervous system of strong sexual health are one in the same just in different site and location.

About the Author: Today I have for you my free book I wrote to introduce westerners to the science of Ayurveda

My book is full of step by step to use ayurveda today.Ashwanghanda can be bought through m office 1-707-527-7313 but also on the net in athousand or more site.


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