250 513, Symantec Data Loss Prevention Learning Topics}

Submitted by: Nihal Warda

250-513, 250-513 Administration of Symantec Data Loss Prevention exam certification helps the individual in creating knowledge to Install and configure the core solutions, core solution plug-ins on managed computers, Gather comprehensive data using the Symantec Management Agent and plug-ins, Set up schedules to automatically deliver packages and tasks to client computers and Analyze gathered data using predefined reports.

250-513, 250-513 Administration of Symantec Data Loss Prevention exam enable the applicants to learn about the learning of various techniques that accounts for the data loss prevention in many organizations.

The first topic is called Understanding the Client Management Suite which covers the working knowledge of Benefits of CMS 7.1, what is new in CMS 7.1, Components of CMS, Relationship between products, Installing and Configuring Client Management Suite and Becoming familiar with installation requirements for Symantec Management Platform consisting of Learning about Symantec Installation Manager, Installing core components on Windows/Linux/Mac and configuring component plug-ins.

Symantec Management Console is another topic that constitutes of accessing the Symantec Management Console, familiar with the Symantec Management Console and Customizing the Symantec Management Console.


The topic in 250-513, 250-513 Administration of Symantec Data Loss Prevention of Software Management Framework consists of Components of SMF, Populating the software catalog. Overview Inventory Solution includes the knowledge of Inventory Solution overview, Overview of the plug-ins, installing the plug-ins and Setting plug-in policies.

Managing Inventory with Tasks and Policies is another topic consists of Gathering inventory data Creating inventory tasks, Creating software inventory policies and using inventory to populate the software catalog.

The topic of Managing Computers with Custom Inventory includes the learning of creating a custom inventory task using NS 6 Custom Inventory, custom inventory task, Executing an agentless inventory scan and Custom data classes. Using Baselines to Manage Computers covers the Baseline task and creating a Registry Baseline task.

The applicants cover the knowledge of Application Metering to Manage Computers under which the candidates learn related to Configuring applications to use Application Metering, Managing the data from Application Metering, configuring Application Metering policies and Harvesting licenses and working with MS Licensing models.

Software Delivery is the next topic in which the applicants learn about Methods to deliver software, About Managed Delivery, Creating a Managed Delivery policy, About Quick Delivery, Using the Quick Delivery Wizard and editing Quick Delivery tasks.

The 250-513, 250-513 Administration of Symantec Data Loss Prevention applicants also learn about Managing and Delivering Software with Other Tasks which includes Using Package Delivery, Managing Windows Installer applications and Managing Virtual applications.

Software Portal covers the main learning objectives that is, Overview of the Software Portal, Configuring the Software Portal and Managing software requests. The topic of Patch Management Solution covers the information in which the applicants will be learning about Patch Management overview, Understanding how Patch works and Upgrading and migrating Patch data.

For the 250-513, 250-513 Administration of Symantec Data Loss Prevention topic of Monitor Solution the applicants have to learn related to Overview of Monitor Solution, Components of Monitor Solution, Configuring Monitor Solution, Monitor policies, Tasks and actions, Using Monitor rules and metrics and Reviewing the data.

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