Be Prepared For Accidents With Massage Therapist Liability Insurance

Be prepared for accidents with massage therapist liability insurance


Brian Louckes

Consider for a moment whether or not you have a game plan in place for the possibility of an accident taking place on the property of your massage therapy or bodywork practice, or inside your personal session room. As a business professional, exchanging your skills in touch therapy for a monetary fee, it is wise to be prepared for such possibilities whenever a client comes your way.

Of course, no one can predict when an accident may happen, and it is close to impossible to control every single variable that could contribute to an accident. For these reasons, one of the best ways to be prepared for the possibility of such an accident is to secure a high quality massage therapy liability insurance policy.


In fact, one of the main reasons that massage therapy liability insurance even exists is to provide financial coverage and protection for cases where a client or another person has had some kind of accident on the property of the massage therapist s practice or inside his or her individual session room.

This piece of massage therapy liability insurance is known as general liability insurance, and it is also sometimes called slip and fall insurance, simply because it provides coverage for these types of accidents. For example, if a client were to slip and fall inside your practice, she might break her wrist and decide to file a claim against you for the damages.

Instead of having to reach into your own personal accounts to cover any legal fees and medical bills, the general liability portion of a massage therapy liability insurance policy is designed to cover such financial obligations. Similar forms of financial coverage and protection that should be included in any massage therapist liability insurance policy are malpractice and product liability coverage.

In a sense, these other two aspects of massage liability insurance cover accidents as well, but they are not the slip and fall kind of accidents. In the case of the malpractice coverage, it is there for instances where a client claims that he or she suffered some kind of harm due to a lack of skill or competence on your part as the professional massage therapist or bodyworker.

Obviously, no touch therapist would want to purposely harm his or her client, so malpractice claims are usually the result of an accident on the part of the professional practitioner. For example, one might employ a hands-on technique that unknowingly exacerbates an existing injury or medical condition.

In the case of product liability coverage, the accident might be along the lines of using a massage lubricant or other product that causes the client to suffer a severe allergic reaction, simply because you forgot to ask about the client s allergies.

Fortunately, with the right massage therapy liability insurance policy, you will have a substantial safety net in place. With massage liability insurance, you can spend less time trying to control all the unknown variables and more time focused on providing a safe and relaxing session.

Massage Therapist Liability InsuranceMassage Therapy Liability InsuranceProduct Liability Coverage

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