Cosmetic Dentistry And Its Subfields

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Cosmetic Dentistry and Its Subfields
Jeremy Killian
Cosmetic Dentistry is a special field that deals with restoring dental imperfections caused by congenital reasons, accidents or dental illnesses. Unlike general dentistry, which focuses on basic dental illnesses and their diagnosis and treatment, this field attempts to bring back, improve and maintain the aesthetic quality and function of the teeth. In other words, cosmetic dentistry is more about the teeth s appearance rather than their health.
Many methods conducted in a dental clinic or office are considered as cosmetic dentistry procedures. These can be classified into two main subfields Orthodontics and Prosthodontics. The methods that deal with the bone structure of the teeth as well as the mandible and other hard tissues related to the mechanism of the teeth belong to the subfield Orthodontics, while those concerning the appearance of the teeth belong to Prosthodontics.
These two subfields of cosmetic dentistry are practiced only by dentists who have undergone three to five years of additional studies. They are more equipped and skilled than general dentists, although some consider themselves as cosmetic dentists without finishing any additional course. Cities like Sevierville are home to high profile cosmetic dentists who practice both simple and complicated procedures.
A dentist specializing in orthodontics is known for correcting malpositioned teeth. In some cases, orthodontists repair the entire facial structure. A
Sevierville cosmetic dentist
practicing in this field must know the basics of braces installation and some major operations in the underlying bone structure and cartilages.
A prosthodontist is responsible for finding solutions for tooth loss and improving the size, color and shape of the teeth. Common prosthodontic procedures include installation of dentures or artificial teeth.
Sevierville cosmetic dentistry
covers a lot more methods that improve the overall appearance of the teeth.
For cases like chipped or small teeth which cannot be restored by any orthodontic method,
Sevierville cosmetic dentists
can provide veneers to cover the imperfection instead of reshaping it. However, there are operations that require a combination of treatments, like when there is a need to correct the arrangement of the underlying bone structure before installing implants and bridges.
If you have questions, please visit us at for complete details and answers.
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