Having A Breakfast Nook}

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Submitted by: Charles Gueli
When it comes to creating a breakfast nook, small details, like the carved corbels and wainscoting on a bench, add elegance to the casual dining space. Comfy pillows can create a cozy seating area and large windows fill the space with sunlight.
Since these nooks are by nature relatively small, they may only fit four to six diners at most, and sometimes only two. Many people who have these already built in their kitchens also have a formal dining room.
With large families, this type of breakfast area may be too small for a whole family to dine together, but they still remain the perfect place to serve young children breakfast.
A breakfast nook adds charm to any kitchen. It is the perfect place to enjoy a small meal, sip on fresh brewed coffee, and take in the morning sun.
Many of these nooks have built-in benches and are surrounded by windows. Other nooks are simply well lit spaces off the kitchen that can be furnished as desired. It is an out of the way place to relax while still having access to the kitchen area.
Breakfast areas like these are ideal places for small shelving, plants, and other decor. A well-designed nook can spruce up a kitchen and add charm to any home.
Take some time to find just the right color for your nook, and furnish it with a comfortable table/chair set. Ensure that window treatments allow just the right amount of light in the morning to offer a warm start to your day. Then, just put on the coffee and enjoy!
There are 3 general steps to making a breakfast nook that you’ll be happy to have:
Make a small nook seem larger.
Create a roomy (if space allows) and functional floor plan.
Add character and style that reflects your tastes.
An awkward space can be transformed into the perfect location for an L-shaped banquette. An antique table and chair can be charming and graceful.
If you use a bench or banquette in your floor plan, give yourself an extra bonus by having drawers built into the bench for extra storage.
In the picture seen here, one banquette, a table, and a couple of chairs are all it took to transform a seldom-used kitchen corner into an eye-catching breakfast nook. Bright colors create a cheery atmosphere.
Sparkling white furniture and trim balances the bold greens, yellows and blues. Bay windows are perfect for these nooks. The windows provide a view, natural light, and a bay is ideal for banquette seating. This nook is in a separate room off the kitchen, making it easy to accommodate a larger number of people.
Style in breakfast areas varies greatly. Many are located next to or surrounded by windows, so that those seated can have a nice view. Its a good idea to garden accordingly so that you can provide a pretty view of gardens, trees or flowers.
Some people line their breakfast nooks, especially in apartments, with window boxes full of flowers, so if the view is not terrific, at least sunny flowers greet the informal diner.
Some breakfast nooks do not have windows attached, but simply provide a convenient extra space for serving some meals, and in two person homes, such nooks can provide the main dining space in a home.
You can decide how youd like to design this space, or create space by adding onto a home, based on what your needs are. Perhaps you need an elegant space with lovely curtains, padded benches and an antique table. A less formal approach would be to add a diner-like booth with vinyl benches and a Formica table.
Before you design the space, think about who will give the nook the most use. If its a space to feed kids breakfast, consider an informal style that it is easy to clean. If it will be the main dining space for a newly married couple, you might want to strive for elegance and romance.
There are plenty of different furniture styles to choose from when creating a breakfast area. Simple projects might include wood tables and several benches or a single bench to surround the table.
Measure your nook space carefully, since such a small space is not forgiving if you add overly large furniture. An unusually sized space, hexagonal instead of rectangular for example, might require custom furniture, or be better suited to chairs than benches.
I hope these examples will help you to formulate better decisions when you are ready to plan your own breakfast nook.
About the Author: Charles Gueli invites you to ask questions about a breakfast nook, and take advantage of the resources on
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