The Online Game: Internet Attraction System Review

By Andres Munoz
Newcomer Derek Lamont has just released, The Online Game that dives into the art of online dating. However it’s important to sift through the garbage flooding the Net and really determine if this eBook can actually boost your numbers with online dating and step up your game.
I must admit I was not really looking forward to reading this course for the simple fact that I already had a profile on one of the biggest online dating sites and to be frank, I had far better results offline than I did online.
However after reading the eBook I was able to determine several things I did wrong. Basically Derek Lamont talks about marketing yourself online and to treat your profile as an advertising piece. Additionally he shows how to approach women online in the most effective means possible, and on how to make a great first-impression. Would you bother reading a brochure of a car if it contained bad photos and spelling errors? Neither would I.
For those if you that think it’s a waste of time going online posting your photo with a profile and putting yourselves out there. Facebook and MySpace are untapped resources to meet hot women – lots of hot women. Keep in mind one thing, Facebook and MySpace were meant to build your social circle and make friends. There is no preconceived intention of picking up. This eBook will show how you can line them up and knock them down with ease.
What I found most useful in The Online Game were the elements in creating your profile. It’s your profile that is the most important part of online dating. A bad profile will get you no hits and will be a colossal waste of time. Derek Lamont also places great importance with the photo.
He did an excellent job in explaining what elements go into a great photo with several tips that will help you establish trust. The bottom line is if you are not willing to put the effort you are missing out, The Online Game goes further in showing you how to create an awesome profile that will attract the opposite sex. The more I read into this chapter I realized where my own profile fell short and why my online game was way off.
Another aspect in online dating is sending messages to the girls that peak your interest. Here many guys screw it all up they divulge way too much info conveying too much interest hence neediness. Derek Lamont makes the obvious point that these women receive a ton of emails so it’s important to keep it short separate yourself from the pack.
Tip: Don’t worry The Online Game provides several samples that you can borrow from.
I personally wasn’t too fond of the section about using instant messenger in contacting women because I don’t have the patience to sit in front of the computer and send messages. I personally find this annoying and would rather spend my time doing something else. However that’s my preference and there are plenty of people that use instant messenger.
The greatest contribution from Derek Lamont’s eBook, The Online Game is the advice he offers in handling the initial phone contact. Let’s face it it’s this part right here is the guys find most nerve wracking. The plan laid out for handling phone contact is excellent and detailed. He finishes this section very strong that will make you look like a real catch in her eyes.
Overall, The Online Game is a very exciting product. I think the eBook delivers and it’s worth the read. Despite a couple of points Derek Lamont makes that I disagree with, I am really impressed with this material and recommend it to anyone who wants to include online dating in their repertoire.
About the Author: Currently ranked as the world’s #1 Online Dating eBook
Online Pick Up Secrets
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